Knowledge Management

A company that is not managing knowledge is not paying attention to business

Thomas Stewart, Συγγραφέας του Intellectual Capital

Knowledge Management is an emerging industry that has attracted interest similar to previous industries such as Process Re-engineering and Total Quality Management. It represents an extra step – a step in the overall journey of an organization towards operational efficiency. And, as in all trips, its deeper value lies not in the destination, but in the process, in a way without end to learning, knowledge creation and supremacy. Just as personal development is the result of a continuous lifelong training, in the same way, organizations learn, grow and mature.

In today’s information society, knowledge is a valuable asset for any organization. The entry of new products into the market faster, less costly and more effective than competitors is based on the possession of specialized knowledge in design, production, marketing and distribution.

Knowing how to do things faster and better than others can surely ensure the survival of an organization. It is no wonder that more and more organizations consider atypical unstructured knowledge of property as important to them as physical and financial assets.

Given that knowledge is transformed into such an important strategic asset, the future success of an organization will be directly related to the ability to create, capture, store, and diffuse knowledge. Developing processes that help to identify the flow of learning, and sharing knowledge, will be a critical management function.

This process of systematic and planned management and exploitation of part or all of the knowledge in an organization is known as Knowledge Management.

Knowledge Management works in conjunction with e-learning. The first classifies, codifies and stores knowledge, and the second comes, at the right time, to provide ways to rapidly disseminate knowledge to the right people, in the areas of the organization that most need it (Just in Time, Training on Demand).

Why Engineering;
Because ΡΡΡ Learn learning systems are implemented using engineering principles:

  • Predictable and repeatable result according to goals
  • Accuracy of transfer from paper to practice
  • Measurement & evaluation in implementation

Simply because this process provides a strong framework for making decisions about who, when, what, where, why and how education. The idea of ​​the system is based on the acquisition of an overall picture of the educational process. It is characterized by a systematic process of collecting information, analyzing group and individual performance requirements, and by being able to respond accurately to the identified needs.

The implementation of Training Engineering ensures that programs and educational content evolve continuously in an efficient and efficient way to match the variety of needs of a rapidly changing environment.


  • Training Engineering is a management tool that makes production of educational content more productive.
  • Efficiency is increased because the whole process is linked to goals and goals with business tactics and strategy.
  • The approach is both scientific and practical and can be reproduced
  • Educational material can be improved and enhanced through the collection and analysis of new elements.
  • Facilitates the exploratory theme approach.
  • Training Engineering is independent of the means to be used to diffuse the content
  • Training Engineering does not require the person who applies the methodology to be the owner of knowledge.

Conversely, the less you know the issue or the more technical it is, the more formal it is to follow the methodology of Training Engineering

How can it be useful to you?

All PPP Learn systems are designed with the Training Engineering methodology, resulting in all of the above benefits. Also:

  • We can design educational systems and content in cognitive subjects that you have the ultimate expertise.
  • Using Training Engineering we design unique product training.
  • We train on the implementation of Training Engineering methodology for the development of educational content in any medium and we also train trainers in the delivery of programs designed with the Training Engineering method.
  • Since we are educational content producers, we can provide you with PPP’s Soft Skills content along with the necessary training of trainers to implement your own educational programs